David Mackey


David Mackey NASIG 2023 Student image

David Mackey is a Digital Marketing Consultant in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. He has 25+ years of experience building and supporting multi-tiered server applications and telecommunication systems using a wide variety of technology, including knowledge of how the Domain Name System (DNS) works as a critical enabling service for Internet end users. David’s experience crosses technical development, management responsibility, customer support, and digital marketing expertise.


David has four years of Internet Governance experience as an individual member working at the ICANN, At-Large & NARALO community levels. David attended NASIG 2019, where he was introduced to an overwhelming set of Internet Governance policy issues and welcomed by people with many years of Internet Governance experience. David hopes to welcome Internet Governance newcomers and contribute to important policy work still to be done.


David recently joined the Stratford Public Library Board with an interest in seeing how public libraries can adapt to a changing digital world and have a positive impact on all library patrons.